Автор: A. Kenessary; R. Baimurzayeva; E. Kaliyeva; G. Tuyakbayeva
Түпнұсқа тілі: ағылшын
Басылған жылы:
Баспа: «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ Педагогикалық шеберлік орталығы
Рубрика: Мұғалімге көмек
УДК 004.7 (075.8)
ББК 32.973.202 я73
Kenessary A.K.
Resource pack. Computer network: сollection of tasks/A.K. Kenessary; R. Baimurzayeva; E. Kaliyeva; G. Tuyakbayeva. – Astana: "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO Center for Excellence; 2023. – 138 p.
ISBN 978-601-348-472-3
The educational resource is a set of materials for studying the topic "Computer Networks" during the high school program according to the NIS-Program in Computer Science. The manual includes both theoretical materials and practical tasks in accordance with the A and AS-level Cambridge standards.
The purpose of this development is to provide teachers with material for an in-depth study of the topic; since there are no resources in which the materials would also be presented and collected in one place. The manual consists of two main parts; theoretical materials for study; as well as questions and tasks to consolidate what has been learned. This teaching aid is intended for teachers who teach the subject in English and with in-depth study of computer science in high school.