Автор: Saparbayeva Z.А.; Alikulova X.; Mirzasheva Zh.
Түпнұсқа тілі: ағылшын
Басылған жылы: 2023
Баспа: «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ Педагогикалық шеберлік орталығы
Рубрика: мұғалімге көмек
ӘОЖ 004.7 (075.8)
КБЖ 32.973.202. я73
Saparbayeva Z.A.
Principles for teaching speaking in EFL classes / Z.А. Saparbayeva; X. Alikulova; Zh. Mirzasheva. – Astana: AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”; Center of Excellence; 2023. – 66 p.
ISBN 978-601-348-474-7
The aim of this paper is to show the importance of speaking skills in the classroom in order to get a perfect acquisition of the second language. This paper provides teachers with theoretical and practical information about teaching speaking skills. This paper deals with some activities in order to develop students' speaking skills and show why it is important to develop and the difficulties the learners have. As it has been discovered by many researchers; foreign language learning best occurs through interaction; teachers should provide learners with the opportunities to communicate in English at the lesson. Since many learners’ goal in language learning is to be able to communicate fluently in formal and informal interaction; classroom activities should be designed to promote oral fluency. Authors offer some natural strategies such as: role plays; group work; pair work; etc. to avoid shyness and unwillingness to speak English in the Appendix. Moreover the strategies are offered in accordance with the learning objectives for grade 7. The work is recommended for English teachers and students.